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400+ Never Have I Ever Questions – Dirty, Clean and Funny Questions

400+ Never Have I Ever Questions – Dirty, Clean and Funny Questions

Never Have I Ever is one of the most popular party games… ever. Not only can it be a great way to have fun and get to know people, it is also a way to spice up a party!

How Do You Play Never Have I Ever?

There are a few variations of playing the game but the general rules are this.

Someone says “Never Have I Ever….” and then proceeds to say something they have never done. It literally could be anything.

If you’ve done it you have to take an action and then usually share with the group the (embarrassing) story.

The next person in the group then does another “Never Have I Ever…” and so on.

Never Have I Ever Drinking Game

This version of the game can get out of hand rather quickly and a great way to start a night. Just remember to drink responsibly.

In this version of the game, the person who has done the thing has to take a sip of their drink and then divulge the details!

If you want to go hard you can switch taking a sip of their drink to doing shots instead.

How Do You Play Never Have I Ever With Fingers?

Another variation of the game can be played any time and without alcohol.

Again, everyone gets in a circle, and the first player starts with “Never Have I Ever….”

You start off with ten points, which, you guessed it, you hold up your fingers. If you’ve done the thing that’s said, you put down a finger.

You continue around the circle until there is one person with any fingers left up. That person is the winner!

Never Have I Ever Game Variation

Rather than having a drink penalty, you can go one stage further and have a gross food penalty. If you’ve done the thing that is said, you have to eat some sort of nasty food. Mixed with alcohol, this can be a dangerous game!

There is also the No Takers Penalty which is where if it is your turn and no one has done the thing you said, then you have to drink instead.

Other Alternative Party Games to Never Have I Ever

400 Never Have I Ever Questions

Clean and Innocent Never Have I Ever Questions

These questions are nice and easy fun never have I ever questions that are also a great way to get to know people.

  1. Never have I ever eaten raw fish.
  2. Never have I ever said I would give up drinking… and haven’t.
  3. Never have I ever cut my own hair.
  4. Never have I ever shaved my head.
  5. Never have I ever swum with dolphins.
  6. Never have I ever been to a concert
  7. Never have I ever stayed up for 36 hours straight.
  8. Never have I ever hosted a Halloween party.
  9. Never have I ever been to Mexico.
  10. Never have I ever touched a snake.
  11. Never have I ever picked up a spider.
  12. Never have I ever cooked a recipe from the internet.
  13. Never have I ever ridden an elephant.
  14. Never have I ever worked in a fast food restaurant.
  15. Never have I ever passed out.
  16. Never have I ever donated blood.
  17. Never have I ever auditioned for a talent show.
  18. Never have I ever run away from home.
  19. Never have I ever voted in an election.
  20. Never have I ever been chased by a wild animal.
  21. Never have I ever cooked on a BBQ.
  22. Never have I ever slept with my pet.
  23. Never have I ever danced on a bar.
  24. Never have I ever been to the circus.
  25. Never have I ever built a snowman.
  26. Never have I ever watched TV upside down.
  27. Never have I ever kissed my pet.
  28. Never have I ever ridden a motorbike.
  29. Never have I ever played beer pong.
  30. Never have I ever made a prank call.
  31. Never have I ever gone sledding.
  32. Never have I ever made someone cry by giving them a present.
  33. Never have I ever tried pet food.
  34. Never have I ever tried baby food as an adult.
  35. Never have I ever been sky diving.
  36. Never have I ever been to the Grand Canyon.
  37. Never have I ever been to Vegas.
  38. Never have I ever sent my food back in a restaurant.
  39. Never have I ever fallen asleep at the movies.
  40. Never have I ever been on TV.
  41. Never have I ever done karaoke.
  42. Never have I ever had a crush on a cartoon.
  43. Never have I ever had a psychic reading.
  44. Never have I ever flown first class.
  45. Never have I ever swum with sharks.
  46. Never have I ever been in an ambulance.
  47. Never have I ever blocked someone on social media.
  48. Never have I ever had a panic attack.
  49. Never have I ever been to Disney World.
  50. Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger.
  51. Never have I ever been outside in my PJs.
  52. Never have I ever missed a high five.
  53. Never have I ever sung in the shower.
  54. Never have I ever used a stick as a wand.
  55. Never have I ever been scared of clowns.
  56. Never have I ever played video games for 10 hours.
  57. Never have I ever watched Star Wars.
  58. Never have I ever laughed at a joke I didn’t understand.
  59. Never have I ever created a zombie escape plan.
  60. Never have I ever stolen food from someone else’s plate.
  61. Never have I ever completed a restaurant’s food challenge.
  62. Never have I ever had orange juice on my cereal.
  63. Never have I ever eaten Kale.
  64. Never have I ever jumped from a roof.
  65. Never have I ever played Chess.
  66. Never have I ever Googled my own name.
  67. Never have I ever cried for no reason.
  68. Never have I ever left the country.
  69. Never have I ever returned a gift.
  70. Never have I ever been on a plane.
  71. Never have I ever been fired from a job.
  72. Never have I ever won a competition.
  73. Never have I ever been given flowers.
  74. Never have I ever completed a Rubik’s Cube.
  75. Never have I ever picked up a hitchhiker.
  76. Never have I ever got a matching tattoo.
  77. Never have I ever been kicked out of a library.
  78. Never have I ever skipped school.
  79. Never have I ever locked my keys in the car.
  80. Never have I ever looked directly at the sun.
  81. Never have I ever had surgery.
  82. Never have I ever been fishing.
  83. Never have I ever fired a gun.
  84. Never have I ever eaten mud.
  85. Never have I ever gone to bed without brushing my teeth.
  86. Never have I ever believed in a conspiracy theory.
  87. Never have I ever quit my job.
  88. Never have I ever missed an episode of Friends.
  89. Never have I ever ruined a surprise.
  90. Never have I ever eaten food straight out of the fridge.
  91. Never have I ever left over pizza for breakfast.
  92. Never have I ever been stuck in a lift.
  93. Never have I ever broken down.
  94. Never have I ever read Harry Potter.
  95. Never have I ever played golf.
  96. Never have I ever seen Avatar.
  97. Never have I ever been to a festival.
  98. Never have I ever been in a food fight.
  99. Never have I ever done the Ice Bucket Challenge.
  100. Never have I ever pretended to have a different accent to strangers.
  101. Never have I ever been an extra on a set.
  102. Never have I ever lost my wallet.
  103. Never have I ever lost my phone.
  104. Never have I ever traveled by myself.
  105. Never have I ever had gum stuck in my hair.
  106. Never have I ever tried snowboarding.
  107. Never have I ever successfully fooled someone on April fool’s Day.
  108. Never have I ever broken a window.
  109. Never have I ever auditioned for reality tv.
  110. Never have I ever had a massage.
  111. Never have I ever been on a skateboard.
  112. Never have I ever made a fire.
  113. Never have I ever played the guitar.
  114. Never have I ever pretended I had superpowers.
  115. Never have I ever stayed up all night after watched a horror movie.
  116. Never have I ever had had dessert for dinner.
  117. Never have I ever used a public toilet.
  118. Never have I ever changed a diaper.
  119. Never have I ever had Burger King.
  120. Never have I ever had a surprise party.
  121. Never have I ever had stitches.
  122. Never have I ever seen a ghost.
  123. Never have I ever hitchhiked.
  124. Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s parent.
  125. Never have I ever been sick on a rollercoaster.
  126. Never have I ever dyed my hair pink.
  127. Never have I ever been slapped.
  128. Never have I ever built a tree house.
  129. Never have I ever been to Australia.
  130. Never have I ever been wild camping.
  131. Never have I ever read a book in one day.
  132. Never have I ever been vegetarian.
  133. Never have I ever been on safari.
  134. Never have I ever had something I posted go viral.
  135. Never have I ever had a pet.
  136. Never have I ever been in a limo.
  137. Never have I ever tried surfing.
  138. Never have I ever planted a tree.
  139. Never have I ever backpacked Europe.
  140. Never have I ever been fired from a job.
  141. Never have I ever slept wild in the woods.
  142. Never have I ever tried a fad diet.
  143. Never have I ever played spin the bottle.
  144. Never have I ever been in an earthquake.
  145. Never have I ever been to a fashion show.
  146. Never have I ever been swimming fully clothed.
  147. Never have I ever eaten sushi.
  148. Never have I ever been in a hurricane.
  149. Never have I ever danced in the rain.
  150. Never have I ever been bullied.
  151. Never have I ever won anything on the lottery.
  152. Never have I ever broken a mirror.
  153. Never have I ever watched a whole TV series in one sitting.
  154. Never have I ever run a marathon.
  155. Never have I ever had a DIY fail.


Embarrassing, Funny and Shameful Never Have I Ever Questions for Virgins

Now we turn up the pressure a bit with embarrassing never have I ever questions that you probably wouldn’t want people to know but it’s a great way to get some laughs and see what your friends have been up to!

  1. Never have I ever been arrested.
  2. Never have I ever swallowed my own sick.
  3. Never have I ever eaten chalk.
  4. Never have I ever got high.
  5. Never have I ever been called out for having dandruff.
  6. Never have I ever been caught picking underwear out of my a$$.
  7. Never have I ever had my eyebrows shaven off.
  8. Never have I ever practiced a speech in front of the mirror.
  9. Never have I ever farted and blamed someone else.
  10. Never have I ever gone two days without showering.
  11. Never have I ever shot someone.
  12. Never have I ever broken into someone’s yard to use their pool.
  13. Never have I ever jumped off a bridge because of peer pressure.
  14. Never have I ever pooped in the woods.
  15. Never have I ever crashed my car.
  16. Never have I ever grossly lied to impress someone.
  17. Never have I ever used the camera on my phone as a mirror.
  18. Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar.
  19. Never have I ever voted for Hilary.
  20. Never have I ever walked into a glass door.
  21. Never have I ever fallen asleep on public transport and missed my stop.
  22. Never have I ever started a fight.
  23. Never have I ever smoked pot out of an apple.
  24. Never have I ever walked into the restroom of the opposite s*x.
  25. Never have I ever peed in a pool.
  26. Never have I ever challenged a wild animal to a fight.
  27. Never have I ever gone to church drunk.
  28. Never have I ever tried cocaine.
  29. Never have I ever taken my shoes off in a restaurant.
  30. Never have I ever had a wardrobe malfunction.
  31. Never have I ever gone commando.
  32. Never have I ever clogged a toilet with my poop.
  33. Never have I ever worn the same underwear two days in a row.
  34. Never have I ever turned my underwear inside out.
  35. Never have I ever eaten food from the floor.
  36. Never have I ever worn crocs.
  37. Never have I ever tried to guess someone’s password.
  38. Never have I ever keyed someone’s car.
  39. Never have I ever been punched in the face.
  40. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.
  41. Never have I ever stalked my ex on Facebook.
  42. Never have I ever dressed as the opposite s*x.
  43. Never have I ever sharted.
  44. Never have I ever peed myself as an adult.
  45. Never have I ever ran over an animal by accident.
  46. Never have I ever parked in a handicapped spot.
  47. Never have I ever taken down a picture because it didn’t get enough likes.
  48. Never have I ever pretended to be on the phone to avoid speaking to someone.
  49. Never have I ever snuck into a movie without paying.
  50. Never have I ever told a really long joke and then forgot the punchline.
  51. Never have I ever tripped over in public.
  52. Never have I ever offered my seat to someone who wasn’t pregnant.
  53. Never have I ever voted for Trump.
  54. Never have I ever sniffed a marker pen.
  55. Never have I ever laughed so much that I peed.
  56. Never have I ever been sick because I saw someone else throw up.
  57. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  58. Never have I ever measured my junk.
  59. Never have I ever walked out of a bad movie.
  60. Never have I ever walked in on my parents doing it.
  61. Never have I ever wet the bed as an adult.
  62. Never have I ever laughed at a funeral.
  63. Never have I ever tried to shake a blind person’s hand.
  64. Never have I ever collected Pokémon.
  65. Never have I ever sniffed glue.
  66. Never have I ever chipped a tooth.
  67. Never have I ever had more than two nipples.
  68. Never have I ever broken a bone.
  69. Never have I ever farted in someone’s face.
  70. Never have I ever called in sick because I was hungover.
  71. Never have I ever had a near-death experience.
  72. Never have I ever flirted with the police to get out of trouble.
  73. Never have I ever bought stolen goods.
  74. Never have I ever downloaded music illegally.
  75. Never have I ever created a fake Instagram account to stalk someone.
  76. Never have I ever sat on a chair and the legs gave out.
  77. Never have I ever picked my nose and eaten what I found.
  78. Never have I ever taken more than 20 selfies and only used one.
  79. Never have I ever kept money I found on the floor.
  80. Never have I ever stuck gum in someone’s hair.
  81. Never have I ever been approached by a hooker.
  82. Never have I ever gotten seasick.
  83. Never have I ever eaten food from the trash.
  84. Never have I ever been sick on a plane.
  85. Never have I ever had plastic surgery.
  86. Never have I ever followed a boy band.
  87. Never have I ever run out of gas.
  88. Never have I ever used a toilet and not washed my hands after.
  89. Never have I ever picked out my belly button fluff.
  90. Never have I ever used a paper plate because there were no clean dishes left.
  91. Never have I ever popped another person’s pimple.
  92. Never have I ever peed in a sink.
  93. Never have I ever peed in a bottle.
  94. Never have I ever been an alibi.
  95. Never have I ever text while driving.
  96. Never have I ever driven while drunk.
  97. Never have I ever had hash brownies.
  98. Never have I ever forged a signature.
  99. Never have I ever lied about my birthday to get something for free.
  100. Never have I ever thrown a drink in someone’s face.
  101. Never have I ever stolen office supplies from work.
  102. Never have I ever had a crush on my dad’s friend.
  103. Never have I ever not picked up after my dog made a mess.
  104. Never have I ever snuck out the house when I was grounded.
  105. Never have I ever crashed a wedding.
  106. Never have I ever shoplifted.
  107. Never have I ever called the cops on someone.
  108. Never have I ever done a keg stand.
  109. Never have I ever been to Cancun for Spring Break.
  110. Never have I ever done a best man speech.
  111. Never have I ever flirted just to get free drinks.
  112. Never have I ever left a drunken voicemail.
  113. Never have I ever drunk wine from a box.
  114. Never have I ever come up with my own cocktail.
  115. Never have I ever gone on a shopping spree when drunk.
  116. Never have I ever played this game before.
  117. Never have I ever peed on my feet.
  118. Never have I ever fallen asleep on the toilet.
  119. Never have I ever been pulled over for speeding.
  120. Never have I ever busted for using a fake I.D.
  121. Never have I ever been on a pub crawl.
  122. Never have I ever updated my Facebook status while drunk.
  123. Never have I ever been robbed.
  124. Never have I ever snooped in my friend’s bathroom cabinet.
  125. Never have I ever got a drunken tattoo.
  126. Never have I ever sent my boss an e-mail meant for someone else.
  127. Never have I ever made up a rumour about a friend.
  128. Never have I ever lied about my age.
  129. Never have I ever streaked a pitch.
  130. Never have I ever eaten a scab.
  131. Never have I ever eaten a bug on a dare.

Adult, Sexual and Dirty Never Have I Ever Questions

Here we get down right dirty and find out what s*xy and dirty antics you’ve been up to with these s*xual never have I ever questions. These aren’t for the faint-hearted and it will certainly get you to the bottom of who your dirtiest friends are.

  1. Never have I ever sent a dick pick.
  2. Never have I ever had a one night stand.
  3. Never have I ever had s*x with someone seven years younger than me.
  4. Never have I ever said the wrong name during s*x.
  5. Never have I ever had a STD.
  6. Never have I ever had s*x on a pool table.
  7. Never have I ever been to a strip club.
  8. Never have I ever had s*x in a tent.
  9. Never have I ever been sick while having s*x.
  10. Never have I ever watched p*rn.
  11. Never have I ever got h*rny reading 50 Shades.
  12. Never have I ever fantasized about someone in this room.
  13. Never have I ever had s*x with someone in this room.
  14. Never have I ever tried something from the Karma Sutra.
  15. Never have I ever taken a pregnancy test.
  16. Never have I ever touched a p*nis.
  17. Never have I ever cheated on a long distance relationship.
  18. Never have I ever slept with more than 10 people.
  19. Never have I ever shaved someone else’s pubic hair.
  20. Never have I ever kissed someone famous.
  21. Never have I ever had s*x in the sea.
  22. Never have I ever paid for s*x.
  23. Never have I ever had shower s*x.
  24. Never have I ever had s*x in the office.
  25. Never have I ever had a threesome.
  26. Never have I ever faked it during s*x.
  27. Never have I ever tossed a salad.
  28. Never have I ever faked it.
  29. Never have I ever done it in public.
  30. Never have I ever squirted.
  31. Never have I ever sucked a toe.
  32. Never have I ever had s*x on a mountain.
  33. Never have I ever tasted myself.
  34. Never have I ever answered the phone while having s*x.
  35. Never have I ever had s*x in a hospital.
  36. Never have I ever been to a swingers party.
  37. Never have I ever had s*x with someone in uniform.
  38. Never have I ever been a stripper.
  39. Never have I ever slept with my boss.
  40. Never have I ever watched someone else have s*x.
  41. Never have I ever had s*x with a family member in the same room.
  42. Never have I ever masturbated to a YouTube video.
  43. Never have I ever swallowed.
  44. Never have I ever had a s*x injury.
  45. Never have I ever watched p*rn without sound.
  46. Never have I ever been pegged.
  47. Never have I ever had a genital piercing.
  48. Never have I ever given a footjob.
  49. Never have I ever made a s*x tape.
  50. Never have I ever had s*x on a ski lift.
  51. Never have I ever had s*x on my period.
  52. Never have I ever had a lap dance.
  53. Never have I ever licked chocolate off someone.
  54. Never have I ever been slapped during s*x.
  55. Never have I ever slept with someone because they had a beard.
  56. Never have I ever had s*x with my pet watching me.
  57. Never have I ever given a bl*wjob.
  58. Never have I ever had s*x in a sleeping bag.
  59. Never have I ever had s*x on a blow up bed.
  60. Never have I ever had no kiss s*x.
  61. Never have I ever had a rim job.
  62. Never have I ever signed up to an embarrassing niche dating website.
  63. Never have I ever posted nude pics on social media by accident.
  64. Never have I ever done the walk of shame.
  65. Never have I ever had s*x in a hot tub.
  66. Never have I ever bought a s*x toy.
  67. Never have I ever played strip poker.
  68. Never have I ever had a hickey.
  69. Never have I ever had s*x with my ex.
  70. Never have I ever taken the morning after pill.
  71. Never have I ever had phone s*x.
  72. Never have I ever had s*x in a changing room in a store.
  73. Never have I ever had s*x on the first date.
  74. Never have I ever had a f*ck buddy.
  75. Never have I ever sent a s*xt.
  76. Never have I ever tried role play.
  77. Never have I ever lied during this game.
  78. Never have I ever kissed my cousin.
  79. Never have I ever lied about my number of s*xual partners.
  80. Never have I ever had s*x on a beach.
  81. Never have I ever had a wet dream as an adult.
  82. Never have I ever flashed anyone.
  83. Never have I ever lost my virginity to a stranger.
  84. Never have I ever Googled s*x positions.
  85. Never have I ever twerked during doggy.
  86. Never have I ever been spanked.
  87. Never have I ever been choked.
  88. Never have I ever had a booty call.
  89. Never have I ever had a happy ending massage.
  90. Never have I ever been fisted.
  91. Never have I ever peed on someone.

Couple on Sofa with Pets

Couple, Relationship and Dating Never Have I Ever Questions

Turning down the heat a bit these never have I ever questions are all about relationships and dating. It’s a good way to learn about your partner or someone you are dating. These are also great for digging at dating details of someone you may like.

  1. Never have I ever cheated.
  2. Never have I ever had a sugar daddy.
  3. Never have I ever been catfished.
  4. Never have I ever forgotten my partner’s birthday.
  5. Never have I ever forgotten our anniversary.
  6. Never have I ever gone speed dating.
  7. Never have I ever gone on a double date.
  8. Never have I ever had a romantic picnic.
  9. Never have I ever slipped my number to a waiter.
  10. Never have I ever used a pick up line.
  11. Never have I ever fantasized about my best friend’s partner.
  12. Never have I ever had two dates in one day.
  13. Never have I ever picked out baby names before I was even pregnant.
  14. Never have I ever fantasized about my partner’s best friend.
  15. Never have I ever farted in front of my partner.
  16. Never have I ever been walked in on.
  17. Never have I ever kissed someone at midnight.
  18. Never have I ever been with someone 10 years older.
  19. Never have I ever dined and dashed.
  20. Never have I ever used my partner’s toothbrush.
  21. Never have I ever used to toilet with my partner in the room.
  22. Never have I ever been on a blind date.
  23. Never have I ever dated two people at the same time.
  24. Never have I ever said I love you.
  25. Never have I ever joined the mile high club.
  26. Never have I ever peed in the shower.
  27. Never have I ever experimented with my s*xual orientation.
  28. Never have I ever said I love you just to convince someone to have s*x with me.
  29. Never have I ever had an open relationship.
  30. Never have I ever had an online relationship.
  31. Never have I ever asked a guy out.
  32. Never have I ever broken someone’s heart.
  33. Never have I ever been in love.
  34. Never have I ever had a first date.
  35. Never have I ever had s*x with my friend’s ex.
  36. Never have I ever checked my partner’s phone.
  37. Never have I ever given someone a fake number.
  38. Never have I ever been divorced.
  39. Never have I ever been pregnant.
  40. Never have I ever been rejected publicly.
  41. Never have I ever been proposed to.
  42. Never have I ever slept with a married man.
  43. Never have I ever kissed on a Ferris wheel.
  44. Never have I ever quoted a romcom and passed it off as my own.
  45. Never have I ever used a dating app.
  46. Never have I ever kissed someone without knowing their name.
  47. Never have I ever cut a date short with a fake emergency.
  48. Never have I ever had a serious relationship.

Are there any Never Have I Ever Questions we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below!


Can you play Never have I ever over text?

While Never Have I Ever is usually played in person with a group there's no reason why it can't be played in a group either in text or a Whatsapp group.

How do you play I have never ever?

Everyone gets in a circle and the first person says something they have never done and the rest of the group must drink if they have done it. Elaborating on the story is optional. The next person says another Never Have I Ever and on it goes.